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88Limba sursă88
Germană ... mit dem Engel reden
Nächstens will ich mit dem Engel reden,
ob er meine Augen anerkennt.
These are the first two verses from an uncollected (and not well known) poem by Rainer Maria Rilke, written in 25.9.1914.
I know the whole poem by heart, and understand well its meaning (even I've translated it into my own mother tongue); but I'd love to read these two verses in Latin, and in classical Greek.
A fancy, perhaps; but quite an urge as well...

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Catalană ... trobar-me amb l’Àngel
Limba latină Cum angelo loqui
88Limba sursă88
Suedeză För den trötta samhällskroppen vore kanske bästa...
För den trötta samhällskroppen
vore kanske bästa boten
ifall tankarna i toppen
kom från roten

Tage Danielsson =)
UK English

Traduceri completate
Daneză For den trætte samfundskroppen...
Engleză For the tired body of society
Norvegiană For the trette samfunnskroppen...
Poloneză Dla zmÄ™czonego organu spoÅ‚eczeÅ„stwa
83Limba sursă83
Engleză Only when the last tree has been cut down, Only...
Only when the last tree has been cut down,
Only when the last river has been poisoned,
Only when the last fish has been caught,
Then only will you see that money cannot be eaten.

Cree Indian Prophecy
(Extra request : Please use both Cree script and the Latin characters, in order to know how to pronounce it, thank you.)

Traduceri completate
Suedeză Först när det sista trädet huggits ned
Bulgară Само когато последното дърво бъде отсечено
Franceză Prophétie
Portugheză braziliană Profecia Cree
Spaniolă Sólo así...
Rusă Только после того, как..
Italiană Solo quando l'ultimo albero sarà stato abbattuto...
Maghiarã Csak amikor az utolsó fát kivágták
Greacă Μόνο όταν...
Albaneză Vetëm kur të pritet edhe druri i fundit, Vetëm...
Poloneză Proroctwo Indian Kri
Olandeză Profetie
Română Doar atunci când ultimul copac va fi fost doborât...
Sârbă tek kada se poseče poslednje drvo, tek...
Lituaniană Kai tik paskutinis medis bus nukirstas, Kai tik...
Daneză Først, nÃ¥r dest sidste træ er blevet fældet,...
Ebraicã רק כשיכרת אחרון העצים
Limba persană حفظ محیط زیست
Mongolă Ухаарал
Norvegiană Først nÃ¥tr det siste tre er hogget ned, Først...
Africani Slegs wanneer die laaste boom afgekap is, Slegs...
Esperanto Nur kiam la lasta arbo estos hakita
Chineză simplificată 只有当最后一棵树被砍伐,只有当最后一条河被污染,只有当最后一条鱼被捕捞,那时你才明白钱不是一切。 印度克里人预言
Germană Erst wenn
Ucrainiană Тільки коли ...
Chineză 只有當最後一棵樹被砍伐……
Finlandeză Vasta sitten, kun viimeinenkin puu on kaadettu
Arabă فقط عندما
Catalană Sols quan el darrer arbre haurà estat tallat, Sols...
192Limba sursă192
Engleză and she was gone...
She chose to walk alone.
Though others wondered why.
Refused to look before her,
Kept eyes cast upwards,
Towards the sky.

She didn't have companions.
No need for earthly things.
Only wanted freedom,
From what she felt were puppet strings.

She longed to be a bird.
That she might fly away.
She pitied every blade of grass
For planted they would stay.

She longed to be a flame.
That brightly danced alone.
Felt jealous of the steam
That made the air its only home.

Some say she wished too hard.
Some say she wished too long.
But we awoke one autumn day
To find that she was gone.

Some say she wished too hard.
Some say she wished too long.
But we awoke one autumn day
To find that she was gone.

She chose to walk alone. Though others...
The trees, they say, stood witness.
The sky refused to tell.
But someone who had seen it
Said the story played out well.

She spread her arms out wide.
Breathed in the break of dawn.
She just let go of all she held...

And then she was gone.

Traduceri completate
Turcă gitti.
Suedeză och hon var försvunnen...
58Limba sursă
Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie58
Engleză If children live with encouragement they learn...
If children live with encouragement they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn that it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn to live with truthfulness.

58Limba sursă58
Franceză La voiture à air comprimé : 0 pollution!
La voiture à Air Comprimé est donc un véhicule économique à l'entretien simple et peu coûteux, grâce notamment à la température modérée de fonctionnement du moteur : une vidange tous les 50.000 km avec de l'huile alimentaire (ce qui évite de recycler les huiles). Un véhicule sûr, sécurisé (pas de carburant inflammable, pas de risque d'explosion) et un véhicule 100% écolo qui n'utilise, pour circuler, que l'air que nous respirons. Mieux encore, cet air qu'il absorbe est déjà pollué, mais il "filtre" l'air qu'il aspire et le rejette plus propre qu'il n'est entré. Le véhicule donc ne pollue pas, mais dépollue.
Source :

Traduceri completate
Engleză The compressed air motor car
Română Vehiculul cu aer comprimat
Portugheză braziliană O carro movido a ar comprimido
Chineză simplificată 压缩空气汽车 = 零污染汽车
Turcă Basınçlı hava motorlu araba
Spaniolă El coche de motor de aire comprimido
Germană Das Auto mit Druckluftmotor...
Olandeză De auto met samengeperste lucht-motor
Italiană L'auto ad aria compressa: inquinamento 0!
54Limba sursă54
Franceză les oiseaux
Bonjour ,

Je voudrais connaître le prix des colliers panache bleu et vert , de quelle mutation s' agit-il ?

Forpus : Avez - vous des falow bleu ? quel est leur prix ?

Avez - vous des panache bleu ou vert ? quel est leur prix ?

En autre couleur qu' avez- vous ? les prix ?

Expediez- vous en France ?

Pour les colliers ou pennants , je me rendrai en Belgique fin août.


NB : "falow"is a term for "Agapornis Roseicollis"
(one from the many parrots species)

Traduceri completate
Olandeză De vogels
40Limba sursă40
Franceză La nature est notre futur, protégeons-la !
La nature est notre futur, protégeons-la !
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Traduceri completate
Spaniolă La naturaleza es nuestro futuro, ¡protejámosla!
Sârbă Priroda je nasa buducnost, zastitimo je
Arabă الطبيعة هي مستقبلنا ØŒ لنحميها !
Engleză Nature
Turcă DoÄŸa bizim geleceÄŸimizdir, onu koruyalım!
Română Natura-i viitorul nostru, să o protejăm!